About Us

Welcome Video Game Players, Collectors and Enthusiasts.  

If you were born in the 1960s, 1970s or 1980s and can remember the experience of noisy, dimly lit and sometimes smoke filled Pinball and Video Game Arcades, then keep reading. 

Do you remember playing Hanimex, Sheen, Atari 2600 or Super Nintendo on your TV at home or do you just have an interest in Video and Computer Games?

You have found a place where you can meet up with like-minded people to share stories, tricks, tips, hacks, mods, collections, retro items and even review your recent purchases.

We meet monthly in Bendigo, keep an eye on the Retro Gaming Bendigo Website and our Social Media Sites for up to date information.

 To Join the Retro Gaming Bendigo Team, enter your contact details on the Join Us link.

Don't forget to follow us on Facebook. 

Entry is a $5.00 donation per person to help cover costs, refreshments are available at an additional cost.

Topics covered will be all the usual classics like Atari, Amiga, Commodore, Nintendo, PC, PlayStation, Sega, Xbox, Handhelds, Coin-Ops, and Gaming Collectables. 

(Although not strictly Retro, *Legal Emulation and Raspberry Pi will also be topics of discussion).

*Legal Emulation, such as: Nintendo Classic Mini Console: Released by Nintendo in 2017.

Website Updated: October 2024